An object in motion stays in motion.

Newton's first law has always had a deeper meaning for me. Always be in motion. Learning, growing, and evolving. Welcome to my portfolio.
Art Director & Motion Designer Tom Marquis.



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I combine 10+ years of design experience across three industries to create compelling stories that delight, inform, and inspire audiences.

  1. Advertising

During my time in advertising, I honed my skills in creating, maintaining, and expanding a brand, developing design systems, and crafting immersive online experiences that tell compelling stories and forge emotional connections with audiences.

  1. Software

In my work with software startups, I gained an understanding of user needs and how to design for them. Collaborating closely with engineers and product owners, I developed effective communication and problem-solving skills to create innovative solutions that effectively communicate complex ideas to wider audiences.

  1. Video Games

My experience in the video game industry taught me how to captivate and engage audiences with richly imagined worlds and immersive narratives, all powered by sophisticated workflows, software, and teamwork.

@ 2023

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@ 2023